One year ago today we closed the studio for “2 weeks”. Though I knew deep down it would be for much longer, I never could have imagined it would have been for 6 whole months. Until lately, there has not been a single one of those weeks over the last year that has gone by where I haven’t held my breath. The “what-ifs” have been paralyzing at times.
It’s not over yet, but this is a story of SURVIVAL. Of PERSEVERANCE. Of overall PREVAIL.
I’m so thankful for my staff that has worked harder than ever this last year. Their ability to adapt and grow and LOVE ON KIDS…they are the best! (And I think we could all use a little more LOVE right now!) Thankful for my husband who has watched me crumble way too many times to count and kept reminding me I was built for this. Thankful for my family who just kept on loving me when sometimes I was downright unlovable. And thankful for our studio families and a community that has stood by us and understood that tough times don’t last forever, but we will all FOREVER BE TOUGH for sticking it out.
This past year of business went from March 2020 seeing our studio at its peak. More students than I had ever dreamed of! To suddenly closing our doors and taking our whole studio to a virtual model in a week’s time. Virtual recitals and music showcases. Launching a learning hub while having a one-week-old at home just so we could have some sort of income stream at a still closed (for dancing) studio. Upgraded HVAC units. All the HEPA air purifiers. Social distancing stickers everywhere. And the cleaning supplies…ALL OF THE CLEANING SUPPLIES!
March 2021 we are only at about 55% of where we were before. We will make it through, so I don’t say this figure as a “woe as me” thing, but so you realize that your friends who own small businesses are not out of the woods yet. There’s still hard decisions being made every day and situations and guidelines that are still less than ideal. So, as we move forward into this next phase of life and hopefully better days ahead, let us not forget GRACE.
GRACE for the business who isn’t doing things exactly as you would prefer them to at this moment in time. Maybe a local restaurant isn’t getting your food out to you fast enough (but is still only able to operate at 50% capacity and is down on staff). Or, maybe not being able to wait inside while getting your car worked on is frustrating (I get it!) But, please remember that griping on social media may make you feel better, but it rarely ever fixes anything and can do lots of damage to a business just trying to get by right now. A lot of these rules are not even our own.
GRACE for the friend that you think “takes this all too seriously.”
GRACE for the friend who you don’t think takes it “serious enough.”
And GRACE for those that have been forever changed by this last year and just need you to hold space for them at the moment.
What a year it has been. But what a FUTURE it will continue to be